[liberationtech] What could we at Liberationtech do to help pro-democracy HK activists protest China's new security law?

Sina Rabbani sina at redteam.net
Thu May 28 16:52:49 CEST 2020

Tor works in China over the meek bridge [1] :

However, due to financial constraints it has been capped. If anyone wants
to fund it, contact Tor or let me know and i'll put you
in touch.

[1] https://trac.torproject.org/projects/tor/wiki/doc/meek#MicrosoftAzure

On Thu, May 28, 2020 at 7:41 AM Martin Johnson <martin at greatfire.org> wrote:

> Tor does not work in China. There is a bridge available that is supposed
> to run over Microsoft
> Azure, but in my experience it doesn't work either. Tor has very few users
> in China.
> Psiphon does work but tends to perform at below-average speed.
> Lantern has a long record of performing quite well in China. In addition I
> would recommend our own
> circumvention tool - FreeBrowser - for Android users.
> On 5/27/20 2:55 PM, Sandy Harris wrote:
> > Anything that helps users bypass the Great Firewall will also help Hong
> Kong, certainly by letting
> > people on the mainland get uncensored info instead of just the Party
> Line & possibly by preventing
> > monitoring of HK communications. Tor & Psiphon are the best-known such
> projects, but there are lots
> > of others.
> > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiphon
> >
> > Could we help out by getting Tor, Psiphon and/or other tools
> incorporated into Linux router projects
> > and/or Freedom Box?
> > https://freedomboxfoundation.org/
> >
> > Could we go further? One of the GFW's blocking methods is to send out
> bogus TCP reset packets in
> > both directions to break the connection. Should all routers connecting
> to China drop those packets?
> > Should end user systems like Linux distros have an easily set option to
> ignore them? Anyone want to
> > write a Best Current Practice RFC?
> --
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