[liberationtech] What could we at Liberationtech do to help pro-democracy HK activists protest China's new security law?

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Thu May 28 16:43:52 CEST 2020

Boundary Hopper does work in China (for now, of course).  

On Thu, May 28, 2020 10:19 AM, Martin Johnson martin at greatfire.org  wrote:
Tor does not work in China. There is a bridge available that is supposed to run
over Microsoft

Azure, but in my experience it doesn't work either. Tor has very few users in

Psiphon does work but tends to perform at below-average speed.

Lantern has a long record of performing quite well in China. In addition I would
recommend our own

circumvention tool - FreeBrowser - for Android users.

On 5/27/20 2:55 PM, Sandy Harris wrote:

> Anything that helps users bypass the Great Firewall will also help Hong Kong,
certainly by letting

> people on the mainland get uncensored info instead of just the Party Line &
possibly by preventing

> monitoring of HK communications. Tor & Psiphon are the best-known such
projects, but there are lots

> of others.

> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psiphon


> Could we help out by getting Tor, Psiphon and/or other tools incorporated into
Linux router projects

> and/or Freedom Box?

> https://freedomboxfoundation.org/


> Could we go further? One of the GFW's blocking methods is to send out bogus
TCP reset packets in

> both directions to break the connection. Should all routers connecting to
China drop those packets?

> Should end user systems like Linux distros have an easily set option to ignore
them? Anyone want to

> write a Best Current Practice RFC?


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