[liberationtech] Empowering Oppressed with Cryptographic Evidence

fuzzyTew fuzzytew at gmail.com
Fri May 15 15:36:50 CEST 2020


One of my ongoing life projects is finding a way to provide people with and
without money with free provable streamed recording for their data.  I
think this would be good for stopping secret harm, in general.

I would like to implement it in a way that can resist future advances in
cryptanalysis or pervasive computer and phone compromises.

I'm currently working on a small system that can stream to and from sia
skynet in a way that is prepared to be pluggable.  It effectively uses a
merkle tree of multiple parallel interhashed also-pluggable digest
algorithms, and uses them all together to identify the data.  It uses a
growing binary tree like the dat protocol, which I am almost done extending
to handle midstream and startstream writing to support possible use as a
block device.  I will likely be storing streaming tree hashes on the
bitcoin blockchain using a wallet with a public private key.

I am determined to solve the problem of free proven streaming, but have
schizophrenia and hence work very slowly.  Words like "merkle" are pretty
hard for me to use nowadays.  I would rather say "thing".

Is anybody else working on this goal, or interested in working on it?  Or
do you have any projects you think I could expand to meet it?

A piece that will be extremely hard for me is building a cell phone
application.  I can only do work in small bursts.

My current work can be played with at https://github.com/xloem/siaskynetpp
.  The tools are named stream-up and stream-down, and read and write
unending streams from their standard input and output, to skynet.  I plan
to migrate the tools to another repository to integrate blockchain

Karl Semich
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