[liberationtech] Changing Faces of "Public Administration"....

Robert Mathews (OSIA) mathews at hawaii.edu
Sat Mar 28 02:57:36 CET 2020

*A few weeks ago,* a link to a video of a Remote-Controlled Aerial
Surveillance System (RCASS) being used in China for Coronavirus related
traffic control was shared here.  The links shared below, represent a
few examples of similar deployments elsewhere, based on a similar need,
due to the proliferation of COVID-19.

I*t has become apparent (over the past 10 years at least)* however, that
people must aggressively think - how connections to, and relationships
with, 'public spaces' have been fast changing.  Furthermore, HOW, as an
applied field, the many aspects and character of "Public Administration"
have been changing in a way that impinge on personal freedoms during
crises, and also how, the same has been re-shaping our understanding of,
and participation in 'public space'.

*"Italian military police deploy drones to monitor people who defy

*"French Police Using Drones to Enforce Lockdown"*

*"Police drone video shames people using national park during UK lockdown"*

*"Police Scotland officers were seen confronting a man who was refusing
to self-isolate, despite claiming to have #COVID19."*

/Dr. Robert Mathews, D.Phil.
Principal Technologist &
//Distinguished Senior Research Scholar//
//Office of Scientific Inquiry & Applications (OSIA)//
//University of Hawai'i/
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