[liberationtech] Facebook seems not be good at fraud bit not at privacy, security... or even advertising!

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 18:09:24 CET 2020

Facebook accused of knowing ad audiences were inflated. Facebook first learned
about concerns that it was misleading customers about how many people could see
their ads in 2015 but did nothing about it. Facebook’s potential reach among the
18- to 34-year-old demographic in every state exceeded the actual population of
those 18- to 34-years-old.
“This is a lawsuit waiting to happen,” a Facebook product manager wrote to
colleagues in October 2018.

“My question lately is: How long can we get away with the reach overestimation?”
another employee wrote.
Facebook internally acknowledged that the inflated numbers were “due to
duplicate and fake accounts.” But rather than cleaning up the metric, the
company allegedly created talking points attributing the apparent mismatch to
people traveling.
Facebook Accused in Amended Lawsuit of Knowing Ad Audiences Were Inflated 
Facebook employees were aware the company was overestimating how many people
advertisers could reach on the site, according to a complaint in a lawsuit
originating… wsj.com
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