[liberationtech] Leak Shows Russia’s Request for a Cyberweapon That Can Take Countries Offline

Eric Michaud michaud.eric.c at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 19:24:57 CET 2020

These type of capabilities have been available for a LOOOOOONG time and a
lot you can do from your cell phone if you know what you're doing....aka
you're a hacker who can roll your own. BGP poisoning is a real thing among
others.....lest we forget?


 “*L0pht*, *Making the theoretical practical since 1992*


On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 3:04 PM Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:

> Hackers have leaked documents showing that Russia’s secret services made a
> request for a cyberweapon that could take nations offline, Meduza reports.
> The “Digital Revolution” group uploaded an archive of documents dating to
> 2017 and 2018 showing a request from a division of Russia’s Federal
> Security Service for the development of “Fronton” software that would
> enable cyberattacks using infected Internet-of-Things devices. The
> software, which came in three forms, could infect any smart device, from
> digital assistants to “smart” homes, connecting them into a network and
> then attacking the servers responsible for the stability of online services
> and the internet itself in entire countries. An attack using a few hundred
> thousand smart devices would be able to knock out social networks and
> file-hosting services for several hours, while “an attack on national DNS
> servers could render the Internet inaccessible for several hours in a small
> country.”
> --
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