[liberationtech] Leak Shows Russia’s Request for a Cyberweapon That Can Take Countries Offline

bo0od bo0od at riseup.net
Sat Mar 21 09:32:10 CET 2020

Only Russia? USA doesnt have these ideas? check Snowden when he talked 
about USA backup plan on how the USA shutdown allies countries 
electricity if they will turn back on them through backdooring their 
technologies (since its coming from USA anyway Intel,AMD,IBM...etc.

Yosem Companys:
> Hackers have leaked documents showing that Russia’s secret services made a
> request for a cyberweapon that could take nations offline, Meduza reports. The
> “Digital Revolution” group uploaded an archive of documents dating to 2017 and
> 2018 showing a request from a division of Russia’s Federal Security Service for
> the development of “Fronton” software that would enable cyberattacks using
> infected Internet-of-Things devices. The software, which came in three forms,
> could infect any smart device, from digital assistants to “smart” homes,
> connecting them into a network and then attacking the servers responsible for
> the stability of online services and the internet itself in entire countries. An
> attack using a few hundred thousand smart devices would be able to knock out
> social networks and file-hosting services for several hours, while “an attack on
> national DNS servers could render the Internet inaccessible for several hours in
> a small country.”

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