[liberationtech] So there is no good video-conferencing solution, but what is everyone at LT using?

Yosem Companys yosem at techlantis.com
Tue Jun 30 05:00:03 CEST 2020

Are you all happy with the solutions you are using? Or would you be
interested in our creating a new solution?

My sense is that there are many solutions, but that no one is happy with
the current state of affairs.


On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 2:09 PM Stardust Doherty <stardust at willdoherty.org>

> Whenever I try to use Jitsi for groups over 2-3 persons, there are
> almost inevitably technical issues that cause the meeting to bomb and
> some people don't seem to be able to get their cameras to work with it
> at all (while they can make it work with zoom). Jitsi also doesn't have
> features that the groups I'm with need in order to conduct large-scale
> performances (hundreds of participants) with live streaming. So, we use
> Zoom. I wish I knew of a free, open-source alternative that actually
> functions at scale. I'm all ears.
> In solidarity,
> Stardust
> On 6/29/20 08:53, Denver Gingerich wrote:
> > On Mon, Jun 29, 2020 at 08:48:57AM -0700, Yosem Companys wrote:
> >> I do not know why it did not occur to me before, but Zak just told me,
> why
> >> don't we just ask you directly what you all use for video conferencing?
> >>
> >> We are all struggling here trying to find the best solution, a holy
> grail
> >> of sorts, perhaps one of you has already found it?
> > I use the Jitsi Meet instance hosted at https://meet.jit.si/ for pretty
> much everything.
> >
> > If there is a meeting with an especially large number of people, then I
> use BigBlueButton.
> >
> > Both options are fully free-as-in-freedom, and tend to work as well or
> better than their proprietary competitors.
> >
> > Denver
> > https://jmp.chat/
> >
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