[liberationtech] What would you reply to this?

Ali-Reza Anghaie ali at packetknife.com
Sun Jun 14 20:46:43 CEST 2020

I think people still don't understand what risk surfaces are actually worth
attacking - and they latch onto encryption without any of the other OPSEC
considerations, side-channel attacks on the information and groups being
protected, etc.

This XKCD still applies:  https://xkcd.com/538/

The problem is the companies and politics still should _strive_ for the
best in each applicable area but people are deluding themselves when they
consider a Nation State threat model as their baseline. -Ali

On Sun, Jun 14, 2020 at 2:38 PM Yosem Companys <yosem at techlantis.com> wrote:

> Alex Nicholson  10:43 AM
> Curious what others think about this... this past week @Jason Calacanis (
> launch.co) talked about the need for all-user end-to-end encryption on
> services like Zoom in China, and basically anyone operating in or through
> China, because of the Chinese govt’s likelihood of intercepting and/or
> interfering with communications as it likes. However, I would argue that
> the conversation is severely under-estimating the sophistication of the
> Chinese govt. The US’s NSA can crack any encryption in the world and listen
> to any communications it wants. Why would we think China’s version of the
> NSA is any less sophisticated? Commercial encryption prevents interception
> by hackers and criminals, low-level operations without the budgets or
> resources of state actors. The intelligence services of major world powers
> have the skills and tools to crack any company’s best attempt at
> encryption. So what does it matter if a service like Zoom or anything
> touching China is encrypted or not? If it touches Chinese soil, fibers, or
> airspace, it can be read by their govt. If it’s encrypted, it prob won’t
> be read by criminals and civilian hackers only. Thoughts?
> [image: upload image]
> Yosem Companys
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> Techlantis
> M: (650) 796-1205
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