[liberationtech] Facebook, Google, and Twitter Rebel Against Pakistan's Censorship Rules

bo0od bo0od at riseup.net
Fri Feb 28 00:40:17 CET 2020

Do they rebel against US,UK.. censorship? or only pakistan,iran..etc? 
(they should rebel against themselves if we are talking about censorship)

it mean nothing , its just censorship side accusing another censorship 
side.stupid game.

Yosem Companys:
> When Pakistan’s government unveiled some of the world’s most sweeping rules on
> internet censorship this month, global internet companies like Facebook, Google
> and Twitter were expected to comply or face severe penalties — including the
> potential shutdown of their services.
> Instead, the tech giants banded together and threatened to leave the country and
> its 70 million internet users in digital darkness. Their public rebellion,
> combined with pressure and lawsuits from local civil libertarians, forced the
> government to retreat. The law remains on the books, but Pakistani officials
> pledged this week to review the regulations and undertake an “extensive and
> broad-based consultation process with all relevant segments of civil society and
> technology companies.”
> https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/technology/pakistan-internet-censorship.html

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