[liberationtech] Facebook, Google, and Twitter Rebel Against Pakistan's Censorship Rules

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Fri Feb 28 00:26:39 CET 2020

When Pakistan’s government unveiled some of the world’s most sweeping rules on
internet censorship this month, global internet companies like Facebook, Google
and Twitter were expected to comply or face severe penalties — including the
potential shutdown of their services.
Instead, the tech giants banded together and threatened to leave the country and
its 70 million internet users in digital darkness. Their public rebellion,
combined with pressure and lawsuits from local civil libertarians, forced the
government to retreat. The law remains on the books, but Pakistani officials
pledged this week to review the regulations and undertake an “extensive and
broad-based consultation process with all relevant segments of civil society and
technology companies.”
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