[liberationtech] New Computers and Society now online

Doug Schuler douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Mon Feb 10 03:42:53 CET 2020

Revisiting Social Responsibility...

Computers and Society 48: 3-4 now available!

"Thus SIGCAS was born amidst controversy. Now with the mission to "provide
a forum to discuss, debate and research all issues pertaining to the social
implications of computing, including ethical and philosophical concerns,
for the computing profession" SIGCAS may be the only SIG within ACM that is
explicitly expected to produce critique. And the work of the SIG, if done
correctly, will undoubtedly invite controversy."


*General Information*
Who Are We?
SIGCAS Executive
>From the Editor
>From the Chair
SIGCAS Membership Benefits

Upcoming Conferences
ISCRAM 2019 News – José H. CanÓs

History and the Social Responsibility of Computing Professionals – Douglas
Edge Computing: Societal Privacy and Security Issues – Stephen Guynes,
James Parrish, and Richard Vedder

Computing’s Social Obligation – Michelle Trim
Responsibility: What's Appropriate? – Richard Blumenthal
Call for Papers

Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler

Public Sphere Project

Mailing list ~ Collective Intelligence for the Common Good
     * http://lists.scn.org/mailman/listinfo/ci

Creating the World Citizen Parliament


Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution

Liberating Voices!  A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution (book)

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