[liberationtech] Forget fake news and deep fakes... Worry about fake car images

Rand Strauss Rand at PeopleCount.org
Sun Feb 9 23:21:27 CET 2020

The way they did some of them, at least, could fool real drivers, too-
projecting real-looking images onto a dark street, just after a turn.

This has LITTLE to do with the danger of autopilots,
and A LOT to do with the danger of drones.

Drones are currently almost completely unregulated. They can intrude with cameras, microphones, place bugging devices onto roofs, drop poisons or acid onto yards, roofs, cars, reservoirs, water tanks.  They could cut electrical, internet, phone and TV cables and wires or put explosives on roofs, transformers or industrial equipment.  And they’re inexpensive.  Every terrorist could get one.

The danger of a drone projecting a phantom image is that it could put the driver and passengers in probable danger while easily escaping discovery.  The difficulty is just in forecasting the position of the target car.

But a drone today can be equipped with an explosive and be a certain danger to a car, if its position can be forecasted.

The real danger to auto-pilots isn’t from projected images.  It’s from hacking.  Hack into a car’s navigation and control system and you can know where it is and sabotage it for certain.  Do it well and the hack can delete itself in the microsecond before impact.

> On Feb 9, 2020, at 12:05 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com> wrote:
> Excerpt:
> Researchers said that autopilot systems used by popular cars – including the Tesla Model X – can be fooled into detecting fake images, projected by drones on the road or on surrounding billboards, as real. Attackers could potentially leverage this design hole to trigger the systems to brake or steer cars into oncoming traffic lanes, they said.
>  <https://links98.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/dBD9iPEgeJHecxMJU?messageId=QSO1eFWxskmzYhjWY&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>	
> Tesla, Mobileye Autopilots Duped By ‘Phantom’ Images
>  <https://links92.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/XFB4SkFlQ3bqJwsKX?messageId=QSO1eFWxskmzYhjWY&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>
> Researchers were able to fool popular autopilot systems into perceiving projected images as real – causing the cars to brake or veer into oncoming traffic…
>  <https://links94.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/8ImQZpSkarEbdQ9QL?messageId=QSO1eFWxskmzYhjWY&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>
>  <https://links92.mixmaxusercontent.com/5e196044087550002eab97f3/l/mc5Um13NfhGToqJJE?messageId=QSO1eFWxskmzYhjWY&rn=gIUxkI&re=IyZy9mLoNWZ052bpRXYyVmYpxmLzR3cpxGQ0xmI&sc=false>	 <https://mixmax.com/r/5e196044087550002eab97f3?ref=Website%20preview>
> -- 
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