[liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Thu Dec 31 10:03:42 CET 2020

> one (nameless) political party

Censorship games are unnecessary.
The reference is 'Republican Party'. And quite
clearly there are various elements, including all
of those mentioned, within both Left and Right,

> anti-intellectualism

Especially that element and messaging, widely present across
Government, .Edu-cation and Media, that all three must serve
as the only fonts of knowledge and awarders of paper and rights,
as the self-accredited self-perpetuators of selves, and with hardly
any mention made by them that independent tooling and seeking
for knowledge, including explicitly without them, is an available,
encouraged, and valid option. In fact, they steal from and
imprison you for peacefully routing around them on your journey.

Fortunately education is going both opensource and distributed,
thus destroying those old pay to play cabals, and liberating
minds to think freely, before being de-intellected by 0~20 years
of channeled indoctrination. This will open up a great and
needed breadth, from new science to philosophy to enterprise
and peace.

Also highly unapproved Biased against de-ranked and censored by
all those above is "Libertarian Party" which itself seemingly could
also have an interest in, or be foundational to, a proper understanding,
and deployments of, "liberation-tech"... but is effectively never
mentioned here... instead being drowned out by Leftist "scholars",
Keynesian "economists", such Socialism clearly forced by them
upon threat of death upon harmless peoples, etc.

Homework: List some random forms of liberation and technology...


Hundreds of very popular conversation channels have been
censored and nuked by the Entities in Subject and text above.
Most here would find difficult to name two, let alone ten,
nor any followed at times, even as self learning survey...
a sad state for supposed liberation. Hardly few convos considering
much beyond full support of Left-Social-Democracy-Force-Murder.
Preferring to "Zoom" "Vote Dem" and Censor rather than airdrop
USB's full of opensource tools and say anarcho libertarian voluntary
freedom multimedia around the world.

Freedom is the most powerful liberating-technology, and they
clearly don't want you to see, think, discuss, speak, develop,
have, or use it... freedom *is* the "information" they fear most,
as with it, they become irrelevant, thus they "disinfo" de-rank
de-monetize and delete it, and propagandize you with their
faux authority instead. Freedom is, and needs no fact-check.

> change

Those legacy models use force, a history of failure.
Change that comes from freely understanding, a culture
steeping some education and charity... as they say
"peace love and anarchy"... hardly needs such force.
Expect those trying to continue using those permeated
former models of force... to become irrelevant, extinct,
and faster than you think.

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