[liberationtech] Intentional Big Tech Leftist Bias in Social and News Media Corrupts Elections and Defrauds Peoples
bo0od at riseup.net
Thu Dec 31 03:19:41 CET 2020
If you consider evolution science then good luck finding out what lie it
is within politics.
Richard Brooks:
> The idea of thoughts and ideas being similar to a biological ecosystem
> has been around for a while. I think that Richard Dawkins, William
> S. Burroughs, and Robert Anton Wilson all have legitimate claims to
> having originated the idea. (It is likely to have roots in
> antiquity somewhere.)
> The US does have a certain anti-intellectualism deep in its
> subconscious and at least one (nameless) political party
> has worked hard to delegitimize science (evolution,
> economics, climate change, ...).
> That this would lead eventually to people being susceptible
> to having their innate biases exploited by other actors,
> is not surprising.
> Social media has exacerbated the process.
> One idea that I have been playing with is trying to introduce
> somewhere in curricula having students use tools/techniques like
> those used by Bellingcat to determine the source and motivation
> of online campaigns.
> I really am impressed by Bellingcat.
> On 12/30/20 2:12 PM, Doug Schuler wrote:
>> An article in the recent Science magazine talked about a “syndemic” which
>> "is the intersection of two epidemics—two diseases ravaging a population
>> at the same time, exacerbating each other. HIV weakens the immune
>> system, for instance, which makes people more likely to develop
>> tuberculosis. The world witnessed some- thing similar this year. We live
>> in an eco-system that allows viruses to cross from wildlife to humans
>> more often and spread farther and faster than ever before—that gave us
>> SARS-CoV-2. But the virus emerged in an information ecosystem that helps
>> misinformation and lies spread faster than scientific evidence,
>> weakening our ability to respond to new threats. That made the pandemic
>> far worse."
>> https://science.sciencemag.org/content/sci/370/6523/1395.full.pdf
>> Without necessarily buying into the entire metaphor it seems pretty
>> useful, bringing up concepts susceptibility, vulnerable populations,
>> super spreaders, mode of transmission, and, of course, inoculation.
>> It also fits well into my investigations into civic intelligence which I
>> believe is threatened like other natural resources. And if it gets too
>> low, our ability to address our problems cooperatively becomes ever more
>> helpless.
>> I'd love to hear your thoughts on this!
>> — Doug
>> On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 8:49 AM Richard Brooks <rrb at g.clemson.edu
>> <mailto:rrb at g.clemson.edu>> wrote:
>> Interesting.
>> https://www.theverge.com/2020/6/2/21278601/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-trump-posts-employee-call-fact-checking-voter-misinformation
>> https://faculty.lsu.edu/fakenews/elections/thethreatofqanon.php
>> https://www.france24.com/en/20201006-qanon-conspiracies-go-global-in-pandemic-perfect-storm
>> https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/1369118X.2017.1329334?journalCode=rics20
>> https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/06/08/technology/youtube-radical.html
>> On 12/23/20 4:31 AM, grarpamp wrote:
>> > The Invisible Influence of Big Tech on Politics & Elections - Allum
>> > Bokhari #Deleted
>> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eFJfGphZBmQ
>> > #Deleted: Big Tech's battle to erase the trump movement and steal
>> the election
>> > https://deletedbook.com/
>> >
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