[liberationtech] Spread the word! New Master of Development Engineering @ UC Berkeley

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Dec 8 16:39:15 CET 2020

From: Kentaro Toyama <toyama at umich.edu>

UC Berkeley launching a new Master of Development Engineering program...

From: Yael Perez <pyael at berkeley.edu>

Want to foster innovation solutions to global problems?

Apply now to join UC Berkeley’s new Master of Development Engineering
<https://developmentengineering.berkeley.edu/> degree in Fall 2021!

The 3-semester Master of Development Engineering program
at UC Berkeley integrates training in engineering with entrepreneurship,
design, business, and policy—among others—to support students in creating
technological interventions in accordance with the needs and wants of
individuals living in complex, low-resource settings.

The application deadline is Feb. 1 2021 for the Fall 2021 class.

For more details see the attached  brochure and join the upcoming
information session on Nov. 10th at 8:00 am PST

Find out more about the program:

Yael Valerie Perez
PhD in △rchitecture
Research Fellow and DevEng / InFEWS Program Coordinator
Blum Center for Developing Economies ▴ 100G Blum Hall ▴ 510-664-5315
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