[liberationtech] Che tipo di attivista sei? What type of activist are you?
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Tue Aug 25 06:06:40 CEST 2020
Che tipo di attivista sei?
What type of activist are you?
For those who remember the Activist Mirror app that we rolled out many
months ago, we are now happy to announce that the Specchio Attivista app is
now ready for use! https://labs.publicsphereproject.org/am/?language=it
Since Fiorella De Cindio first suggested that we develop a game based on
the Liberating Voices pattern language, it is only fitting that Italian
would be the second language to be introduced.
Just answer 8 simple questions and the Activist Mirror (or Specchio
Attivista) will tell you what kind of activist you are! And for no extra
charge the AM (or SA) will recommend four patterns from our Liberating
Voices pattern language for civic engagement that seem appropriate given
your responses to the questions.
The English version of the app is here:
The entire set of patterns can be seen here:
And the 21 patterns translated into Italian:
In addition we also have full sets of the patterns in Arabic, Chinese,
Spanish, and Vietnamese.
Thanks for your interest!
PS. We're still interested in your thoughts as to how the Activist Mirror
might be extended. And, since we now have the behind the scenes database
support for languages established, we'd happily introduce other languages
into the Activist Mirror.
Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler
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Liberating Voices! A Pattern Language for Communication Revolution
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