[liberationtech] States of Liberation - Tech re: Harvard launches contact tracing app

Richard Brooks rrb at g.clemson.edu
Sun Aug 9 18:53:11 CEST 2020

Free Your Mind... and Your Ass Will Follow

On 8/9/20 3:27 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> Some saids:
>> https://www.thecrimson.com/article/2020/8/2/tracefi-wifi-contract-tracing-coronavirus/
>> Tracefi uses the signals phones, laptops, and tablets constantly emit to Harvard’s Wi-Fi infrastructures to gather three pieces of information: a datetime stamp, the signal strength received by Harvard’s Wi-Fi infrastructure, and the MAC address of the mobile device. The system then stores the data for up to 28 days. Harvard will use the Tracefi data to aid contract tracing efforts run by Harvard University Health Services and Harvard University Information Technology by providing information to human contact tracers about the specific whereabouts of infected individuals.
>> I was joking with co-workers about the use of ankle bracelets for such
>> purposes, but as it turns out some countries and companies are already
>> mandating the equivalents!
>> https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/06/bracelets-beacons-barcodes-wearables-global-response-covid-19
>> https://venturebeat.com/2020/05/18/the-technologies-the-world-is-using-to-track-coronavirus-and-people/
> https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/may/7/coronavirus-usa-states-explore-house-arrest-techno/
> https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/coronavirus-kentucky-us-ankle-tags-patients-a9448291.html
> https://edition.cnn.com/2020/04/03/us/kentucky-coronavirus-residents-ankle-monitors-trnd/
> https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2020/apr/6/judge-allows-gps-ankle-monitors-coronavirus-quaran/
> So as you see, these proposed always become all real, all evil, no joke,
> you knew, but you did not rise up to actual liberation at that very moment,
> so now you fucked again by the precedents you continue put in...
> Central tracking authority forces, databases recording lives,
> control switches over you, CBDC's, democracy machines...
> "Liberation" "technology"? This?!?! ... Lol.
> Without educating and rising up a state of liberation first,
> naught is left but to weep for yourselves,
> as they whip you with your own tools you created shackled around you.
>> how come it’s OK for the DARK SIDE of INTERNET BARONS, all US BASED, to spy on the whole world, but the US President objects to TIKTOK doing the same
>> What is the difference between Tik Tok and all the other surveillance capitalism infrastructure? (Facebook, Amazon, Google, Microsoft, etc.)
>> This is really awful, George Orwell’s and Michel Foucault’s worst
>> nightmare: “24x7 ubiquitous surveillance” unless you decide to go
>> off-grid and drink Labbatt’s in the Canadian wilderness
> You put the GovCorp cameras and radar and drones in the skies,
> the sensors and robot dogs in the ground, the ALPR's by the roads,
> the RFID in the cardboard beer box, QR serial nums on the cans,
> lease deposit rent registration non-allodial of the land to your master,
> the phone google maps malware closed CPU GPS in your asspocket,
> digital bank logs and KYC and permission and ID and tax (aka: theft)
> to ensure it keeps growing bigger worse in all your payments for it all...
> these travels, land, beer...
> So where, exactly, is this state of liberation you speak of?
> Oh Canada, eh? Certainly not!
> In some locales right now, one cannot even leave the quarantine checkpoints
> you raised, the real walls of imaginary "border" you drew on maps, to travel
> your infected dying self out to die free and at peace in the wilderness.
> Seems if you desire such non-awful, you must first create
> an actual state of liberation, indeed.


R. R. Brooks

Holcombe Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Clemson University

313-C Riggs Hall
PO Box 340915
Clemson, SC 29634-0915

Tel.       864-656-0920
Fax.       864-656-5910
Voicemail: 864-986-0813
email:     rrb at acm.org
web:       http://www.clemson.edu/~rrb
PGP:       48EC1E30

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