[liberationtech] Fwd: [PDworld] [NordiCHI] CFP: NordiCHI 2020 workshop on "Strengthening human autonomy in the era of autonomous technology" - New deadline for workshop paper submission - 24th of Aug
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Sun Aug 9 18:47:24 CEST 2020
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Diana Saplacan <dianasa at ifi.uio.no>
Date: Sun, Aug 9, 2020 at 1:19 AM
Subject: [PDworld] [NordiCHI] CFP: NordiCHI 2020 workshop on "Strengthening
human autonomy in the era of autonomous technology" - New deadline for
workshop paper submission - 24th of Aug
To: pdworld at listserv.uni-siegen.de <pdworld at listserv.uni-siegen.de>
*** apologize for cross-posting ***
Dear colleagues,
We invite you to attend our *workshop at NordiCHI 2020* in Tallinn, Estonia
(25th -29th of Oct.) on *Strengthening human autonomy in the era of
autonomous technology. Contemporary perspectives on interaction with
‘autonomous things’*.
The *aim of the workshop* is to address the role that human autonomy
presently receives in HCI research and how “autonomous technologies” might
challenge, rather than facilitate human autonomy. We acknowledge a need for
new ways of understanding HCI and interaction design as digital
technologies develop. In this workshop, participants are invited to a
discussion where the autonomous human-being—who can act autonomously with
autonomous technologies—is emphasized, beyond simple human control to a
more flexible, sophisticated, subtle, and sustainable autonomy.
*Themes for the workshop*
With our main interest being ‘autonomous technologies’ and how they might
make the interaction imperceptible, challenging rather than facilitating
human autonomy as a background, this workshop focuses on the role of human
autonomy and the right of the individual to govern their own lives. We want
to explore interaction goals, relevant theories, methods, relations between
the human and the computer, and relevant values and questions for these
technologies, potentially defining a shift in HCI. We are particularly
interested in discussing the following themes but are also open for other
takes on our main questions:
*Imperceptible interactions:* Interactions that we cannot directly perceive
(see, touch, feel) or understand (the mechanisms behind the technology is
hidden) such as; smart environments and homes, ML algorithms and predictive
technologies, robot “decisions”. How do people understand autonomous
technology when they cannot sense or make sense of its operations? How can
we design for human autonomy when the human does not know that s/he
interacts or what the autonomous technology does? How can humans relate to
autonomous and/or imperceptible ‘things’ – or how do we describe the
human-thing and subject-object relations?
*Interaction with autonomous things:* Interaction with robots, (chat)bots,
or smart vehicles. We have seen that with the introduction of a robot in a
domestic setting, humans need to carry out facilitation or articulation
work. How do we describe how we relate to technology that performs tasks
for us and with us? How do people handle having autonomous or automatic
things as “colleagues” or “partners” in work where work tasks are
distributed or shared between humans and technology? What is a good mix or
fit between machine and human decision-making?
*Perspectives on “imperceptible interactions with autonomous things”:* We
welcome philosophical and theoretical perspectives on human autonomy in
today’s society and how technology can strengthen human autonomy. How do we
describe and critically evaluate the different ways that technology
represents, protects and supports or weakens human autonomy? Within this
theme, we include questions about how we can design these interactions,
i.e., how to design for capabilities, prolonged mastery, or situated
abilities, or how to design for perception and meaning-making when
imperceptible interaction is the basis, how to design for interaction with
moving things like robots?
We invite researchers to submit a 2-4 pages position paper related to the
topics described above via email to nordichi2020-ws-a2 at ifi.uio.no. More
detailed information on the workshop web page
*Timeline and important dates:*
August 24th – New deadline for workshop position paper
August 31st – New notification date of acceptance/rejection to the workshop
September 7th - 2020 Workshop publication ready & registration
October 25th or 26th - Workshop @ NordiCHI 2020
*Workshop organizers*
Tone Bratteteig, Diana Saplacan, Rebekka Soma, Johanne Svanes Oskarsen
Digitalization: Design of Information Systems, Department of Informatics,
University of Oslo, Norway
Kindly regards,
Diana Saplacan (on behalf of all workshop organizers)
Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
Department of Informatics
Digitalization (DIG): Design of Information Systems Research Group
University of Oslo
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douglas at publicsphereproject.org
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