[liberationtech] Fwd: [LIMITS] We are hiring a PhD student (sustainability + design) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Thu Oct 17 21:08:13 CEST 2019
Maybe academics don't need to travel so much?
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Daniel Pargman <pargman at kth.se>
Date: Thu, Oct 17, 2019 at 4:53 AM
Subject: [LIMITS] We are hiring a PhD student (sustainability + design) at
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
To: LIMITS <limits at googlegroups.com>
*We are hiring!*
We will hire a PhD student to work in our our new research project, ”Decreasing
CO2 emissions in flight-intensive organisation
You will be part of the sustainability research group
<https://www.kth.se/sv/mid/research/sustainability/projects> at the
Department of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID) at KTH Royal
Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden).
*Here is the ad
the last day to apply is November 7.*
A requirement is that the applicant must "*have a specialization (or prior
experience) in design, for example, interaction design*”.
While the ad has the complete information about the position, the most
relevant information is:
"*You will join an interdisciplinary research project that aims to decrease
carbon emissions in flight-intensive organizations. We work collaboratively
with other ongoing efforts to decrease carbon emissions at KTH Royal
Institute of Technology. The project will develop interaction tools and
methods to visualize, engage and help individuals and departments to become
aware of and decrease unnecessary flying. You will help us explore and
develop novel concepts and design proposals to support behavior change on
an individual and organizational level. Our project will contribute to
KTH’s overarching sustainability goal to decrease carbon emissions from
flight with 20% during the current four-year period*.”
Please disseminate this information in your networks as you see fit!
Daniel Pargman
Ph.D., Senior Lecturer (associate professor)
Media Technology and Interaction Design
KTH Royal Inst. of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
pargman at kth.se
Recent publications:
- Hedin Katzeff Eriksson & Pargman (2019). A Systematic Review of Digital
Behaviour Change Interventions for More Sustainable Food Consumption.
Sustainability, 11(9), 2638. (pdf
- Widdicks & Pargman (2019). Breaking the Cornucopian Paradigm: Towards
Moderate Internet Use in Everyday Life. In 5th workshop on Computing Within
Limits. ACM. (pdf <http://eprints.lancs.ac.uk/133756/>)
PI for research projects:
- "Decreased CO2-emissions in flight-intensive organisations
from data to practice” (2019-2022).
- "Beyond the event horizon: tools to explore local energy transformations”
- "From Homo Sapiens to Homo Colossus: Visualising our energy footprint”
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Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler
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