[liberationtech] CfP — special issue on “AI and its Discontents”
Doug Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Thu Oct 17 03:54:17 CEST 2019
CfP for upcoming special issue on AI and its Discontents.... Feel free to
Artificial Intelligence and its Discontents
Call for Papers for a special issue of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews
Guest Editor: Colin Shunryu Garvey, Fellow, Human-Centered AI Institute,
Center for International Security & Cooperation, Stanford University
Journal Editor: Willard McCarty, Professor emeritus, Dept. of Digital
Humanities, King’s College
This is increasingly the Age of AI. Artificial Intelligence, the suite of
technologies that make machines capable of performing tasks considered
“intelligent” when performed by people, is colonizing an increasing number
of domains, from Internet search and social media to the natural sciences
and even criminal sentencing. AI may soon become ubiquitous; coextensive
with civilization itself, a taken-for-granted feature of modernity like
electricity or running water.
But this does not mean that all is well: AI has, and has always had, its
discontents; those who doubt, question, challenge, reject, reform and
otherwise reprise “AI” as it is practiced and promoted. With the hope of
scaffolding deeper understandings of both the epochal transformations being
wrought by AI technologies and the range of responses these changes, this
special issue of Interdisciplinary Science Reviews will bring together
reflections from practitioners, assessments from scientists in fields
transformed by AI, and historically-informed accounts of AI and its
critics, both past and present, in order to capture something of the
significance of this historical moment for future generations.
A few questions worth pondering might be:
Who are AI’s discontents and how have they contended with the
technology’s advance?
How has AI been challenged in areas from scientific knowledge production
to daily life?
What is being left out of the increasingly dominant “machine learning”
paradigm, and why?
Where is the line drawn between “AI” and everything else, and who
patrols that boundary?
Why has criticism been regarded differently in AI than in other
Contributions can range in length from reflective contributions of only
a few pages to full research articles (maximum of 8000 words including
citations and references, in most cases). The deadline for
abstracts is November
15, 2019. Final papers will be collected January 15, 2020. The issue
will be finalized by mid-March and sent to press for a projected June
2020 release.
Please contact Colin Shunryu Garvey with any questions or proposals:
shunryu at stanford.edu
Douglas Schuler
douglas at publicsphereproject.org
Twitter: @doug_schuler
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