[liberationtech] Public Interest Hackers Offered $100, 000 Bug Bounty to Leak Documents

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Nov 19 14:32:54 CET 2019

A vigilante hacker known for their hits on surveillance companies is
launching a $100,000 bug bounty
reward hackers who expose documents in the public interest, *Vice* reports.
Phineas Fisher’s manifesto for the “Hacktivist Bug Hunting Program”
promises to pay for attacks on companies such as mining and livestock
concerns in South America, Israeli spyware vendor NSO Group, and oil
company Halliburton. Most bug bounty programs are run by companies who want
to encourage security researchers to find bugs in their software, but this
one explicitly encourages criminal activities — albeit with the aim of
doing good. The manifesto says hacking “to obtain and leak documents with
public interest is one of the best ways for hackers to use their abilities
to benefit society.” Phineas Fisher has conducted hacktivist campaigns
against British-German surveillance vendor Gamma Group and the Hacking
Team, an Italian company that made hacking and surveillance software for
police and intelligence agencies around the world, among other targets,
though their identity has never been revealed.

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