[liberationtech] Self-introduction
Neil Blazevic
neilblazevic at gmail.com
Tue Nov 12 09:14:42 CET 2019
Hi Hans,
I attended a session at Citizen Lab Summer Institute 2018 and I think the
work of the presenter could be what you are looking for. I've copied her
session description below.
Neil Blazevic
Kampala, Uganda
Psiphon: Software for the Soft War?Facilitator: Nathalie Marechal
Session Description: After four long years, I have finally completed my PhD
dissertation, “Use Signal, Use Tor? The Political Economy of Digital Rights
Technology.” The study examines the power relationships behind the
development and funding of “digital rights technologies” (censorship
circumvention, online anonymity, and secure messaging tools) through four
case studies: Psiphon, Tor, Signal, and Telegram. Along the way, I take a
closer look at the transnational social movement for digital rights, the
U.S. internet freedom agenda, and the peculiar relationship between these
two worlds.
I’ve interviewed many CLSI participants for this project over the years,
and I want to both give back by sharing what I’ve learned and also seek
feedback from this community. What did I get right, what did I get wrong,
and what did I miss? As I get ready to submit a book proposal to
publishers, I would be very grateful for another chance to learn from the
In this session, I'll provide an overview of my research project and
present the Psiphon case study chapter, titled "Psiphon: Software for the
Soft War?".
Session Objectives:
1) Reflect sociological research into digital rights activism and
technology development back to the studied population, in keeping with
participatory research principles
2) Receive feedback on this research to ensure it reflects the
experience(s) and beliefs of the studied community, including Psiphon
developers and users
3) Improve the study in advance of submitting a book proposal to publishers
Session Length: 2 hours
On Mon, 11 Nov 2019 at 11:48, Klein, Hans K <hans at gatech.edu> wrote:
> Dear Subscribers to LT,
> I am happy to join your community. Here are a few words about me.
> I am an associate professor at Georgia Tech, in the School of Public
> Policy <https://spp.gatech.edu/>. I do research on Internet policy, both
> from a political science perspective (the design of institutions) and from
> a communications perspective, (propaganda on the net.) Here
> <https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sKHEyxUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao> is
> some of my research. I did my PhD in political science at MIT, where I
> took at least one class with Josh Cohen.
> Some time ago I was the Chair of Computer Professionals for Social
> Responsibility (CPSR), and I led CPSR’s work in Internet governance. In
> that role, I was very active in the early years of ICANN and in WSIS.
> Through CPSR I met Terry Winograd.
> One of my current research interests is in US programs for democracy
> promotion. A question that fascinates me both historically and
> philosophically is, can “democracy promotion” actually undermine democracy?
> In part this question is informed by recent history in Afghanistan, Iraq,
> Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and many other countries on the receiving end of
> democracy promotion. In part, it is informed by an intellectual interest in
> the convergence of domestic and international politics.
> Thanks for having me on this list. Unfortunately, due to my current
> obligations I cannot be very active on this list for now. But I have
> already had some interesting connections, and I look forward to more.
> Hans Klein
> Associate Professor
> School of Public Policy
> Georgia Tech
> Atlanta, Georgia USA
> --
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