[liberationtech] Self-introduction

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Mon Nov 11 16:04:12 CET 2019

Welcome, Hans! If there's any way we can ever be of assistance, please
don't hesitate to ask...

On Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 12:48 AM Klein, Hans K <hans at gatech.edu> wrote:

> Dear Subscribers to LT,
> I am happy to join your community.  Here are a few words about me.
> I am an associate professor at Georgia Tech, in  the School of Public
> Policy <https://spp.gatech.edu/>.  I do research on Internet policy, both
> from a political science perspective (the design of institutions) and from
> a communications perspective, (propaganda on the net.) Here
> <https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=sKHEyxUAAAAJ&hl=en&oi=ao> is
> some of my research.  I did my PhD in political science at MIT, where I
> took at least one class with Josh Cohen.
> Some time ago I was the Chair of Computer Professionals for Social
> Responsibility  (CPSR), and I led CPSR’s work in Internet governance.  In
> that role, I was very active in the early years of ICANN and in WSIS.
> Through CPSR I met Terry Winograd.
> One of my current research interests is in US programs for democracy
> promotion.  A question that fascinates me both historically and
> philosophically is, can “democracy promotion” actually undermine democracy?
> In part this question is informed by recent history in Afghanistan, Iraq,
> Libya, Syria, Ukraine, and many other countries on the receiving end of
> democracy promotion. In part, it is informed by an intellectual interest in
> the convergence of domestic and international politics.
> Thanks for having me on this list.  Unfortunately, due to my current
> obligations I cannot be very active on this list for now.  But I have
> already had some interesting connections, and I look forward to more.
> Hans Klein
> Associate Professor
> School of Public Policy
> Georgia Tech
> Atlanta, Georgia USA
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