[liberationtech] anonymous persona schemas - email?

Nathan Andrew Fain nathan at squimp.com
Wed Mar 6 17:54:10 CET 2019

The following method for receiving anonymous email alerts stopped
working recently. Curious if alternatives exist.

An anonymous Zapier account checks an anonymous email account and on new
incoming email sends a Jabber message to an anonymous jabber account
that the real user is connected to through Tor.

The part that broke is Zapier (an IFTTT like service) that no longer
works with Jabber. Interested in any alternative that allows a user to
receive notice of new email over Tor. It does not need to include Jabber.

Of course: This setup exposes email contents to a third party but there
are relevant use cases where this is acceptable if the trade-off means a
higher level of anonymity gained at the IP level. "anonymous" email and
jabber accounts in the described scheme imply they were registered
through Tor or registered when user is sufficiently location-displaced
on secondary device.

If you have a method and feel it is sensitive and you do not wish to
share it publicly I can understand. If you would still be okay with
sharing it privately please feel free to dm. For what it is worth, this
information is intended for use by and shared with human rights activists.


gpg: https://deadhacker.com/contact

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