[liberationtech] My Venezuela Post
Cristina (99)
efecto99 at riseup.net
Sun Jan 27 12:10:54 PST 2019
What i don't see as something friendly -and sorry about it- is to
discuss this terrible moment in English.
I know the list is in that language, but a lot of us are South
Americans, living this from Latin America, and having to translate our
opinions (even between us) to a foreign language. I feel it a bit weird,
sorry again.
And this is sooo strong for us (as imply a key point to all the region)
that it's very difficult to express it in English. At least It's one of
the reasons I remain in silence.
Cristina (99)
On 27/1/19 17:24, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes wrote:
> I don’t think your post was “political editorializing” at all! And I’m
> a Venezuelan citizen that tries to keep out of the toxic political
> talk in and on Venezuela. Life is NOT politics, and history and facts
> transcend ideologies, often used to mask or justify untenable and
> immoral social realities maintained by governments and other power
> brokers.
> Regards / Saludos / Grato
> Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes
> On Jan 27, 2019, at 2:07 PM, Yosem Companys <ycompanys at gmail.com
> <mailto:ycompanys at gmail.com>> wrote:
>> It has been brought to my attention that some of you felt that my
>> email on Reymar Perdomo was excessive editorializing on behalf of
>> Liberation Technology in favor of a political group against others.
>> I'd like to apologize to all of those who saw my email in that light,
>> though in hindsight I understand how my email could be misconstrued
>> in that way. But I was only trying to make two points:
>> * First, that we forget that music can sometimes serve as a
>> Liberation Technology; and,
>> * Second, that the plight of migrants and refugees is an issue of
>> concern for Liberation Technology.
>> In this context, I'd like to reiterate Liberation Technology's bias.
>> We used to state our bias all the time on Twitter but not so much on
>> the list.
>> Liberation Technology's bias has long been that we believe in
>> rights-based pragmatism, that is, we believe in supporting the use of
>> technology (anthropologically defined) to foster public goods that
>> protect or advance the rights enshrined in the UN Universal
>> Declaration of Human Rights at
>> http://www.un.org/en/universal-declaration-human-rights/.
>> Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to share
>> them with me privately or with the group publicly.
>> Thanks,
>> Yosem
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