[liberationtech] The Invention of "Ethical AI"

Juan Cristian xuan at powerslacker.com
Fri Dec 27 14:20:00 CET 2019

On 12/27/19 8:36 AM, carlo von lynX wrote:
> On Thu, Dec 26, 2019 at 03:13:27PM -0600, Andrés Leopoldo Pacheco Sanfuentes wrote:
>> Anonymity doesn’t protect “Particular Social Groups” and aggregate anonymous data analysis and mining is the basis for discrimination of entire segments of the population! Like zip code discrimination. Food deserts. Etc.
> True, so the total unavailability of private and personal data for
> centralized analysis wouldn't even be enough as we still have to
> work through the dangers of public data. But radical privacy sounds
> to me like the most important starting point.

The sort of privacy John advocates for is necessary but not sufficient.
The devil is in the details though. GDPR is a credible first attempt at
thinking in terms of sovereign responsibility about the protection of
citizens' data, but it is obviously riddled with hard problems in this
early stage.

How would one go about guaranteeing corporate compliance with such a
demand for anonymization in the collection of learning data, for
instance? I think an open data connector that can see the stream and
route it through a trusted scrubber would be a necessity, but that
trusted scrubber would be a tremendous point of vulnerability and would
probably need to be open source and de-centralized to have credibility,
and secure to prevent spoofing.

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