[liberationtech] Technical aspects to nation state disconnects.

Eric Tykwinski eric-list at truenet.com
Tue Dec 24 00:18:45 CET 2019

So, I was talking briefly with Scott Weeks about the previous post on Iran, Turkey and Eastern Europe’s disconnect issues.
He’s looking for technical information about these issues if anyone has more hands on information.

On a related side note, I thought today was the day Russia was going to start rolling out it’s "Internet Sovereignty” tests.
Besides news on plans to roll this out, I have not heard anything on the web about it.
Has anyone heard anything, I haven’t seen any declines in traffic and/or spam, but that’s expected as this was going to be a rolling test.


Eric Tykwinski
TrueNet, Inc.
P: 610-429-8300

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