[liberationtech] Call for Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies Series, edited by Christian Fuchs
John Ohno
john.ohno at gmail.com
Wed Dec 11 18:59:52 CET 2019
Any guidelines on previously self-published material? In the last two
years, I put out a couple essay collections on this subject that would fit
the criteria via KDP, & would love to rework that material for a more
professional academic imprint if they'll take it.
On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 12:33 PM Christian Fuchs <christian.fuchs at uti.at>
> Call for Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies,
> University of Westminster Press Book Series
> Edited By Christian Fuchs
> Details and submission:
> https://uwestminsterpress.blog/2019/12/11/900/
> Submission deadline: Monday 20 January 2020 23:59 BST
> My book series is looking to publish a number of new titles. The books
> are published as affordable paperbacks and in digital versions open
> access. Publishing is free of charge to authors. The digital versions
> are free of charge to readers.
> An overview of titles published thus far is available here:
> https://www.uwestminsterpress.co.uk/site/books/series/critical-digital-and-social-media-studies/
> There is a preference for the submission of proposals for books whose
> writing can be finished and that can be submitted to UWP within the next
> 6-15 months. Any prior queries may be sent by e-mail to Andrew Lockett
> (University of Westminster Press Manager) A.Lockett [A//T//]
> westminster.ac.uk. Submissions will no longer be accepted by email. All
> proposals for consideration have to be presented via https://uwp.rua.re.
> The open access book series “Critical Digital and Social Media Studies”
> publishes books that critically study the role of the Internet, digital
> and social media in society and make critical interventions. Titles
> analyse how power structures, digital capitalism, ideology and social
> struggles shape and are shaped by digital and social media. They use and
> develop critical theory discussing the political relevance and
> implications of studied topics. The series is a theoretical forum for
> Internet and social media research for books using methods and theories
> that challenge digital positivism. It also seeks to explore digital
> media ethics grounded in critical social theories and philosophy. The
> book series’ understanding of critical theory and critique is grounded
> in approaches such as critical political economy and Frankfurt School
> critical theory.
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