[liberationtech] Call for Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies Series, edited by Christian Fuchs
Christian Fuchs
christian.fuchs at uti.at
Wed Dec 11 12:54:12 CET 2019
Call for Book Proposals: Critical Digital and Social Media Studies,
University of Westminster Press Book Series
Edited By Christian Fuchs
Details and submission:
Submission deadline: Monday 20 January 2020 23:59 BST
My book series is looking to publish a number of new titles. The books
are published as affordable paperbacks and in digital versions open
access. Publishing is free of charge to authors. The digital versions
are free of charge to readers.
An overview of titles published thus far is available here:
There is a preference for the submission of proposals for books whose
writing can be finished and that can be submitted to UWP within the next
6-15 months. Any prior queries may be sent by e-mail to Andrew Lockett
(University of Westminster Press Manager) A.Lockett [A//T//]
westminster.ac.uk. Submissions will no longer be accepted by email. All
proposals for consideration have to be presented via https://uwp.rua.re.
The open access book series “Critical Digital and Social Media Studies”
publishes books that critically study the role of the Internet, digital
and social media in society and make critical interventions. Titles
analyse how power structures, digital capitalism, ideology and social
struggles shape and are shaped by digital and social media. They use and
develop critical theory discussing the political relevance and
implications of studied topics. The series is a theoretical forum for
Internet and social media research for books using methods and theories
that challenge digital positivism. It also seeks to explore digital
media ethics grounded in critical social theories and philosophy. The
book series’ understanding of critical theory and critique is grounded
in approaches such as critical political economy and Frankfurt School
critical theory.
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