[liberationtech] Magnify---Chrome Extension summarizing the fine print

Yosem Companys ycompanys at gmail.com
Tue Feb 27 23:02:52 PST 2018

From: Clif Luber <clifluber at gmail.com>

Simon Boehme recently started Dupro, a company helping consumers understand
complex legal documents. He created Magnify, a Chrome extension that
summarizes the terms and conditions of popular websites - like Amazon and
Blue Apron - to help shoppers save money and not get cheated.

Download Magnify: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/magnify/o
mfifejcimgpkegoccngdemphjlobadi. When the Magnify extension lights up blue
on your browser, press the button to get bullet points on how to avoid
hidden fees and get reimbursed.

You can also visit their website at joinmagnify.com. Great job to Simon!
Check it out and please spread the word!

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