[liberationtech] Announcing: ISOC SF Bay Area Chapter Internet Governance Fellowship

Brandie Nonnecke nonnecke at berkeley.edu
Tue Jun 27 11:55:56 PDT 2017

The ISOC SF Bay Area Chapter Internet Governance Working Group
<http://www.sfbayisoc.org/working-group-internet-governance/> (ISOC IG WG)
is offering a volunteer fellowship position to a graduate/postdoctoral
student who has interest in internet governance issues, including
technical, legal, economic, social and human rights aspects.

The fellowship will be for a one year appointment beginning September 1,
2017. Fellows do not need to be located in the Bay Area.

Fellows can expect the following responsibilities, tasks, and experiences:

   - Gain firsthand experience and specialized knowledge in internet
   - Be mentored and trained by the chair of the ISOC IG WG
   - Research, write, and edit policy briefs and white papers
   - Prepare external and internal outreach materials and blog posts
   - Help organize meetings, workshops, and symposia
   - Meet and network with leading experts in the field of internet
   governance through participation in meetings, workshops, and symposia

*Application Deadline:*
August 18, 2017 at 11:59 pm PT.

*Application Materials:*

   - Cover Letter detailing research interests and experience in internet
   - Curriculum Vitae
   - Writing Sample (e.g., blog post, research article, white paper)

*Application Instructions: *
Please email Dr. Brandie Nonnecke (nonnecke at berkeley.edu) the above
application materials by 11:59 pm PT August 18, 2017. Please include the
following in the subject line: ISOC SF-Bay Area IG WG Fellowship

*More info on the ISOC IG WG Fellowship: *

*More info on the SF Bay Area Working Group on Internet Governance: *

Brandie M. Nonnecke, PhD
Research and Development Manager, UC Berkeley
Program Director, UC Davis
CITRIS and the Banatao Institute
nonnecke at citris-uc.org
citris-uc.org | @BNonnecke <https://twitter.com/BNonnecke> | nonnecke.com
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