[liberationtech] Fwd: [PMO Network] TICTeC at Taipei: Only 10 days left to submit a session proposal

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Wed Jun 7 08:44:19 PDT 2017

From: "Gemma Humphrys" <gemma at mysociety.org>
Date: Jun 7, 2017 8:38 AM
Subject: [PMO Network] TICTeC at Taipei: Only 10 days left to submit a session
To: <OGP at dgroups.org>, <pmo-network at googlegroups.com>, "Foianet" <
foianet at foiadvocates.info>, <open-government at lists.okfn.org>

Hello everyone,

Further to my email back in May, this is a reminder that mySociety will be
hosting a special edition of our Impacts of Civic Technology Conference
(TICTeC) in Taipei on 11th - 13th September 2017. It's a really unique
opportunity to showcase to the wider IT industry what civic tech is, what
its impacts are and how research is carried out to evaluate this.

If you'd like to present at the conference, you have until next Friday 16th
June to submit a session proposal
We'd love to hear from individuals/organisations who run civic tech
projects and have seen some real-world impacts from these, and
individuals/organisations who have researched the impacts of civic tech.

Applications for travel grants are also open until 16th June, so if you
need financial support to attend please submit your travel grant application

Registration for TICTeC at Taipei is also now open, so get your earlybird
tickets now <http://civictechfest.org/> before they sell out. Registration
includes entrance to the full WCIT conference program, as well as to all Civic
Tech Fest <http://civictechfest.org/> events.

If you have any questions about the event, please don't hesitate to contact

All the best,

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Gemma Humphrys <gemma at mysociety.org>
Date: 9 May 2017 at 11:51
Subject: TICTeC at Taipei: Apply to present now! Deadline: 16th June 2017
To: OGP at dgroups.org, open-government at lists.okfn.org, sunlight-international@
googlegroups.com, pmo-network at googlegroups.com, ftm_network at googlegroups.com,
Foianet <foianet at foiadvocates.info>, money-politics-transparency@

***Sorry for cross-posting***

Dear all,

Following on from the success of our 3rd Impacts of Civic Technology
Conference (TICTeC <http://tictec.mysociety.org/>) in Florence last month,
we're delighted to announce that we'll be hosting an additional TICTeC
event this year; this time in Taipei.

TICTeC at Taipei <https://www.mysociety.org/2017/04/25/tictec-taiwan/> will be
part of the Open Culture Foundation <http://ocf.tw/en/>’s week-long Civic
Tech Fest <http://civictechfest.org/>, an official side event of the World
Congress on Information Technology (WCIT) <http://www.wcit2017.org/> 2017.

TICTeC at Taipei will be held on 11th and 12th September 2017.

Come and join us to discuss the impacts of civic technology on citizens and
governments around the world; to be part of the first Civic Tech Fest, and
to participate in the WCIT.

The *Call for Papers/Presentations* is now open; so if you'd like to
present at TICTeC at Taipei please submit a session proposal
*16th June 2017*.

Applications for travel grants are now also open, so if you need financial
support to attend please submit your application
before 16th June 2017.

Registration is also now open, so get your tickets now
<http://civictechfest.org/>. Registration includes entrance to the full
WCIT conference program <http://wcit2017.org/>, as well as to all Civic
Tech Fest events.

The WCIT will feature panels on Open Government and Civic Tech, so this is
a really unique opportunity to showcase open government and civic tech
initiatives to the wider IT industry.

We hope to see you there!

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask.

All the best,


Gemma Humphrys

*Events Manager /** Alaveteli Partnerships Manager *

mySociety | mysociety.org <http://www.mysociety.org/>


Gemma Humphrys

*Events Manager /** Alaveteli Partnerships Manager *

mySociety | mysociety.org <http://www.mysociety.org/>

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