[liberationtech] Update to University of California Campus Community on Immigration Executive Order

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Tue Jan 31 16:55:50 PST 2017

This may seem off topic, but it is important for the Stanford
Liberationtech program and similar programs at other schools.
Immigration bans affect our ability to fulfill the purpose of



From: Henry T. Yang <henry.yang at ucsb.edu>

January 31, 2017

Dear Members of our Campus Community,

I am writing to share with you the statement attached at the end of
this letter, which I joined in signing this weekend, together with UC
President Napolitano and the Chancellors of our sister campuses. This
statement has been endorsed by the UC Academic Council.

I want to take this opportunity to reaffirm our care and concern for
our campus community. We are consulting and working closely with the
UC Office of the President and our campus colleagues to assess the
impact of this executive order on our students, faculty, scholars,
employees, and other community members. At this time, UCOP is advising
that “UC community members from these seven countries who hold a visa
to enter the United States or who are lawful permanent residents do
not travel outside of the United States.”

It is important for us to reaffirm our academic mission and our values
as a public research university in a multicultural state and a global
environment. We stand ready to help and support any of our community
members affected by this executive order. If we can be of any help,
please contact our Office of International Students and Scholars
(OISS at sa.ucsb.edu; 805-893-2929), the Office of the Chancellor, all
Vice Chancellors, all Deans, or any relevant office on campus. Please
also see the OISS website and its Immigration Alerts and Updates page
for updates and links to additional resources. In addition, counselors
are available to students 24 hours a day, seven days a week, at
805-893-4411; for more information, please see our Counseling and
Psychological Services website.

Our campus, along with the UC Office of the President, will continue
to monitor this rapidly changing situation and to work with our
elected representatives in Sacramento and Washington to ensure that
policies support and protect all of our students, scholars, and
colleagues. Every member of our UC Santa Barbara family enriches this
wonderful living, learning, and working environment of ours, which we
are so fortunate to share. Together we will continue to uphold the
values we cherish as an academic community, and work to maintain and
strengthen our university as a place that is open, inclusive, and
welcoming to all.


Henry T. Yang

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Posted at https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/press-room/statement-uc-president-janet-napolitano-and-chancellors-about-recent-executive-order

President Janet Napolitano and the Chancellors of the University of
California today (Jan. 29) issued the following statement:

We are deeply concerned by the recent executive order that restricts
the ability of our students, faculty, staff, and other members of the
UC community from certain countries from being able to enter or return
to the United States.

While maintaining the security of the nation's visa system is
critical, this executive order is contrary to the values we hold dear
as leaders of the University of California. The UC community, like
universities across the country, has long been deeply enriched by
students, faculty, and scholars from around the world, including the
affected countries, coming to study, teach, and research.  It is
critical that the United States continues to welcome the best
students, scholars, scientists, and engineers of all backgrounds and

We are committed to supporting all members of the UC community who are
impacted by this executive action.

President Janet Napolitano
University of California

Chancellor Nicholas B. Dirks
University of California, Berkeley

Interim Chancellor Ralph Hexter
University of California, Davis

Chancellor Howard Gillman
University of California, Irvine

Chancellor Gene Block
University of California, Los Angeles

Chancellor Dorothy Leland
University of California, Merced

Chancellor Kim A. Wilcox
University of California, Riverside

Chancellor Pradeep Khosla
University of California, San Diego

Chancellor Sam Hawgood
University of California, San Francisco

Chancellor Henry T. Yang
University of California, Santa Barbara

Chancellor George R. Blumenthal
University of California, Santa Cruz

Please note: emails like this one will only be sent on a limited basis
to communicate important announcements to members of the campus
community. If you opt out, you will no longer have direct access to
the information shared in these communications.

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