[liberationtech] Adversarial Design: Pushing Back on the Internet of Things, April 5-7, CITP, Princeton + conferences/workshops after the US executive order on travel bans

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Tue Jan 31 14:01:22 PST 2017

From: Seda Guerses <sguerses at esat.kuleuven.be>

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am forwarding a Call for Participation for a design workshop that we are
organizing at CITP, Princeton University, which happens to be in the USA.
While this is a small event, I am sure that we are already impacted by the
US executive order that has been putting discriminatory travel bans on our
colleagues and students.
The question is: what do we do?
Have any of you who are part of organizing committees looked into this?
Should we maybe make a list of demands/good practices that we can recommend
to those who are organizing events, small and big?! Note that the problem
goes both ways: many of our colleagues will be taking on the risk of not
being able to return to their homes, if they attend events outside of the
I would very much appreciate it if you would share with me or on the list
any experiences, needs or thoughts you may have concerning this matter.

*Adversarial Design: Pushing Back on the Internet of Things*
Call for Team Applications
Dates: April 5-7, 2017
Location: Princeton University

Princeton University’s Center for Information Technology Policy (CITP) in
collaboration with the Center for Digital Humanities is hosting a workshop
that explores the security and privacy concerns that arise from
Internet-connected devices in smart homes and cities.

We solicit teams of computer scientists, engineers, designers, artists,
legal scholars, and social theorists to come together and design systems
that can provide users with more visibility into and control over the
behavior of the devices that they connect to their networks, ultimately
giving people more agency over these devices. Existing efforts to improve
IoT privacy and security have begun to explore ways to visualize and
control data flows from these devices, but many of these designs could be
informed by insights from architects, designers, and sociologists as well
as critical theories of design. The workshop plans to bring people together
from these diverse knowledge bases to enrich and enhance existing
approaches to security and privacy in smart homes and cities.

The designs developed at the workshop may have different goals. For
example, in a smart home with multiple inhabitants, participants may
develop designs that improve security or privacy in ways that incorporate a
variety of living arrangements and user interests. Another design goal
might be to allow communities to seamlessly communicate with manufacturers
about privacy and security issues that they discover.

We are inviting teams of 3-5 people to come to Princeton University for the
workshop. Each team will provide an analysis of a security or privacy
concern related to smart homes or cities and develop an intervention to
address that concern.

Teams may choose a device (or devices) to work with ahead of time, or make
use of a set of devices that will be made available at the workshop. To
facilitate prototyping and design, we will provide a Raspberry Pi-based
system that inspects traffic on a network and provides users with
rudimentary capabilities for visualizing and controlling traffic flows on
that network. All teams will be asked to document their activities after
the workshop in a short report. Teams may wish to use the workshop as a
starting point to participate in the FTC’s “IoT Home Inspector Challenge.”

Potential teams should submit an application that includes:
            - a short statement of interest describing questions and
methods you plan to bring to the workshop, as well as a brief description
of a possible intervention you would design.
            - a list of team members (3-5 per team), including short
biographies of each member.
We encourage teams whose members span a broad range of backgrounds,
possibly spanning fields including computer science, design, urban studies,
arts, and architecture.

*Costs and Travel Support:*

There is no registration fee for the workshop. We have limited funds to
support three external teams with a budget of up to $1,000, and a total
budget of $3,000 to offer honorarium to independent artists and designers
that participate in the workshop. If you are in need of funding for
participation, we kindly ask you to indicate this in your application with
a short justification.

*Important Dates:*

Applications due: February 24, 2017
Decisions on applications: March 3, 2017

*More About The Workshop:*

Applications for team participants for the three-day event can be submitted
A separate event webpage will be availabe soon for people who would like to
attend the public portion of the workshop on Friday, April 7, 2017. This
portion will be held in the Friend Center Convocation Room on the Princeton
University campus. A link will be provided for attendees (not participants)
to RSVP at a later date.

This workshop is part of the CITP Project Agonistic Algorithms put together
by Carl DiSalvo (Georgia Tech), Nick Feamster (Princeton University), Seda
Gurses (Princeton University, Leuven), and Janet Vertesi (Princeton
University) and is produced in collaboration with the Center for Digital
Humanities. The workshop is part of an ongoing effort to explore how
theories of agonistic pluralism—which champions a diversity of
perspectives, affect, and contestation as foundational to democratic
politics—might be brought to bear on computational media and systems
design. Adversarial design refers to such practice and, in the context of
this workshop, its combination with adversarial modeling in computer
science privacy and security research.

For further questions, please email adversarial at princeton.edu
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