[liberationtech] Price of the #MuslimBan

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Mon Jan 30 14:26:36 PST 2017

I second Doc on this one.

On Mon, Jan 30, 2017 at 12:19 PM, Doc Searls <dsearls at cyber.law.harvard.edu>

> We are in new territory here, and need to be careful with
> characterization—and much more.
> A few days ago I spoke with a woman I know, a hard-core Orange County (CA)
> Republican, who held her nose when she voted for Trump. Also a good
> Catholic, she now prays every day for the country, "because he's crazy."
> Yet when I asked her how she would vote if the election were today, her
> answer was "I could never vote for that woman." Would she still vote for
> Trump? "I don't know," she said.
> The Times reports a hotel hacked and shaken down for bitcoin, : <
> https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/30/world/europe/hotel-
> austria-bitcoin-ransom.html> The Verge reports that other reports weren’t
> quite true: <http://www.theverge.com/2017/1/30/14438226/hackers-
> austrian-hotel-bitcoin-ransom-ransomware>. Bottom line that isn’t: it’s
> complicated. And there are many "its."
> No doubt Trump and his boy Bannon are expert at understanding and playing
> their opponents, which happen to be the news media on which most of the
> rest of us rely. I could go on about that, the problems here are obvious.
> As for the consequences, we only see the early and immediate ones, and much
> of those are (for all their good intentions) knee-jerk blowback.
> So I caution everybody to take as sober, removed, informed and considered
> a view as possible—and to avoid falling into the default grooves of thought
> and sympathy. We all need to be broader than that, just to begin to get
> handles on what’s going on, then what to do.
> My 2¢ anyway, on one Monday morning.
> doc
> > On Jan 30, 2017, at 10:35 AM, ernesto ortiz <ernestortizcu at yahoo.es>
> wrote:
> >
> > El 30/1/17 a las 6:51 p. m., Rich Kulawiec escribió:
> >>> I've tried to avoid commenting too much on Trump's election to avoid
> >>> demonizing Republicans and people in my network who support him.
> >> And that's fine, and noble, and nice of you.  But understand very,
> >> VERY clearly: they will not hesitate to do that to you.
> > Really? Are you sure that Republicans here -all of them- are so bad that
> > undoubtedly do not hesitate to demonize the others? That's precisely the
> > typical scheme of someone who demonise the people just for having a
> > different ideology or creed.
> >>
> >> If you're not a (a) white (b) Christian (c) American citizen then you're
> >> going to be targeted.  It's not a question of "if", only of "when".
> >> (And some people who are all three will be targeted anyway: women,
> >> LBGTQ, journalists, academics, scientists come to mind immediately.)
> >>
> >>      When fascism comes to America it will be wrapped in the flag
> >>      and carrying a cross.
> >>              --- Sinclair Lewis
> >>
> >> This current episode is just a test to see what kind of reaction ensues.
> >> It's a probe for weaknesses.  It has NOTHING to do with stopping
> terrorism:
> >> in fact, it's designed to increase the probability of attacks -- because
> >> that will make subsequent steps much easier.  (Note the careful
> exemption
> >> of majority-Muslim countries in which Trump owns hotels/resorts.)
> >>
> >> ---rsk
> >
> > --
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