[liberationtech] Privacy Lab tomorrow! Ask EFF 5:30-7:30pm at Mozilla SF office

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Mon Jan 23 19:15:18 PST 2017

From: Stacy Martin <smartin at mozilla.com>

We've invited a panel of five experts from the EFF to present a Privacy
State of the Union and Wish List for 2017. Each will talk for 5-10 minutes
about what they are thinking about for 2017 and then we'll have an open Q&A.

EFF Panelists include:

Cooper Quintin - Staff Technologist
Amul Kalia - Intake Coordinator
David Greene - Civil Liberties Director
Erica Portnoy - Staff Technologist
Kerry Sheehan - Copyright Activist

*RSVP January 2017 Privacy Lab*
Join us Tuesday, January 24th, at Mozilla's San Francisco office from

Livestream on AirMozilla
and Passcode
Livestream usually starts about 15 minutes after the event start time

Privacy Lab is a meeting for people who are interested in digital privacy
in the Bay Area. The goal of these events is to bring together privacy
professionals and privacy community members at non-profits, for-profits,
and NGOs alike to foster communication and collaboration.
More information about this event and future events can be found at:

To hear about future events, please join our mailing list, which will send
out approximately one mailing and a couple reminders a month publicizing
that month's event: https://mail.mozilla.org/listinfo/privacy-events. Note
that RSVPs will be added to this mailing list as well.

Privacy Lab events are dedicated to providing a harassment-free conference
experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and
expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size,
race, age or religion. We do not tolerate harassment of event participants
in any form. Event participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or
expelled from the event at the discretion of the conference organizers. Our
anti-harassment policy can be found at: https://wiki.mozilla.org/

*RSVP January 2017 Privacy Lab*

Coming in February...

On February 2nd, Mozilla and Stanford's Center for Internet & Society will
be holding the third discussion in our government hacking series. This
discussion will focus on the underlying security risks of this growing law
enforcement tactic. Stanford Applied Cryptography Prof Dan Boneh will be
moderating a panel that including our own Richard Barnes, other leading
technologists, and (likely) an FBI representative.

The event will be held at Stanford Law School from 4:30pm to 6:30pm and is
open to the public, so please attend if you are around and interested. You
can find more information and RSVP at the events page

Stacy Martin
Senior Manager, Privacy and Engagement
2 Harrison Street, Suite 700, San Francisco, CA
916-390-4845 <(916)%20390-4845> (cell)
stacy at mozilla.com
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