[liberationtech] Security Without Borders

Yosem Companys companys at tmp.ucsb.edu
Sun Jan 22 10:25:36 PST 2017

Great work, Collin!  Everyone should spread the news of this effort far and
wide. It's much needed, and it's about time someone took the initiative on
this. And I have to say that Collin is one of the best people out there to
work on this project. So kudos.

On Sun, Jan 22, 2017 at 10:15 AM, Nex <lists at nex.sx> wrote:

> I'm sorry if I'm starting this as a new thread, but I had libtech as a
> digest for quite a while. Fixed it now.
> To start, I would like to apologize to all those that contacted us over
> email. We have received A LOT, in the order of some hundreds, and quite
> frankly it is just impossible to answer to all.
> We are currently working on infrastructure and website and devising ways
> to involve and vet new people to join us. At the same time, we have
> already started providing some assistance and I'm happy to say that we
> have in fact already completed several penetration testings of NGOs,
> social, and media projects.
> There is an open community which is self-organizing, particularly on a
> local level. We know that there is some disconnect between the larger
> community and the team at the moment, but we're working to sort that
> out. As you can imagine, there's a lot to do.
> In the coming weeks you should be able to see some resources online to
> offer help and volunteer with the Central group, as well as how to
> coordinate for local initiatives.
> Of course, if you are in need of assistance and you fit our
> requirements, please do get in contact with us through the form on our
> website.
> For some initial clarifications on all of this, I invite you to read this;
> https://medium.com/security-without-borders/transmission-1-7eaae7bc8caf
> Best,
> C.
> --
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> of list guidelines will get you moderated: https://mailman.stanford.edu/
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