[liberationtech] Security Without Borders

Nex lists at nex.sx
Sun Jan 22 10:15:09 PST 2017

I'm sorry if I'm starting this as a new thread, but I had libtech as a
digest for quite a while. Fixed it now.

To start, I would like to apologize to all those that contacted us over
email. We have received A LOT, in the order of some hundreds, and quite
frankly it is just impossible to answer to all.

We are currently working on infrastructure and website and devising ways
to involve and vet new people to join us. At the same time, we have
already started providing some assistance and I'm happy to say that we
have in fact already completed several penetration testings of NGOs,
social, and media projects.

There is an open community which is self-organizing, particularly on a
local level. We know that there is some disconnect between the larger
community and the team at the moment, but we're working to sort that
out. As you can imagine, there's a lot to do.

In the coming weeks you should be able to see some resources online to
offer help and volunteer with the Central group, as well as how to
coordinate for local initiatives.

Of course, if you are in need of assistance and you fit our
requirements, please do get in contact with us through the form on our

For some initial clarifications on all of this, I invite you to read this;


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