[liberationtech] Beyond Access data: Research ICT Africa (RIA) ICT household surveys in 2017

Yosem Companys companys at stanford.edu
Wed Jan 18 08:32:39 PST 2017

From: Chenai Chair <cchair at researchictafrica.net>

> Although this is Africa specific it might be helpful for anyone looking out for evidence on internet access and use indicators in the region.
> RIA, a non-profit think tank focused on building evidence for ICT policy and regulation, will be resuming the Household and Individual ICT access and use survey again in January 2017 after a funding interregnum.   This round includes, nine African countries (Kenya, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Rwanda, Tanzania, Mozambique, South Africa and Lesotho). The surveys are part of a global initiative on producing much needed quality data on ICT access and use in the global south. RIA will also co-ordinate the surveys with their sister networks LIRNEasia in four Asian countries (India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Cambodia) and DIRSI in five Latin American (Peru, Guatemala, Colombia, Argentina and Chile).
> There are several opportunities for research topics for PhD, Masters or post-doc students from these surveys. Any students who would like to collaborate on this either through the data gathering and data analysis process or just wish to work independently with the dataset once it available, can contact admin at researchICTafrica.net.
> Further information on research areas can be found here: http://www.researchictafrica.net/home.php?h=199
> Thanks,
> Chenai
> Chenai Chair
> Researcher &
> Communications & Evaluation Advisor
> Research ICT Africa
> Unit 409, Old Castle Brewery
> 6 Beach Road
> Woodstock, Cape Town, 7925
> South Africa
> T: +27 71 447 6332
> f:www.facebook.com/researchICTafrica.net
> t: @RIAnetwork
> See www.researchICTafrica.net for most recent policy research papers

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