[liberationtech] Fwd: Travel Grants for Herrenhausen Conference "Society through the Lens of the Digital", Hanover, 31 May

Moritz Bartl bartl at renewablefreedom.org
Wed Jan 18 06:15:53 PST 2017

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Subject: 	Travel Grants, Herrenhausen Conference "Society through the
Lens of the Digital", Hanover, 31 May


      The Herrenhausen Conference "Society through the Lens of the
      Digital" explores the role of the social sciences and the
      humanities in a society saturated with debates on the effects of

      Travel Grants

Travel grants available for Young *Scientists* and *Developers*!

We offer travel grants

  * for PhD students and early Post Docs working on theoretical,
    methodological and empirical tools to analyze and conceive of the
    digitization of society and interested in the role social sciences
    and the humanities play in processes of digitization, and
  * for developers, start-ups as well as PhD students and early Post
    Docs from the STEM-field.

Applicants can win one of 30 travel grants to take part in the
Herrenhausen Conference "Society through the Lens of the Digital" in
Hanover, Germany. *The deadline for applications is February 5,
2017.* The grants include travel expenses to and from Hanover, visa fees
(if applicable), as well as accommodation in Hanover. Please check the
corresponding calls in the column on the right for more information.

The Herrenhausen Conference "Society through the Lens of the Digital"
explores the role of the social sciences and the humanities in a society
saturated with debates on the effects of digitization: Parties, NGOs and
the public sphere explore ideas of digital democracy. Luminaries of
business try to map and unlock the potential of big data and of platform
capitalism. Data journalists experiment with modes of describing the
world not through linear texts but through algorithms and interactive
visualizations while intelligent systems have to learn to navigate the
often-ambiguous rules and structures of society. We're lacking
scientific approaches to this multiplicity of discourses on
digitization, which allow us to adequately explore its implications for
research, research policy and the public role of the social sciences and
humanities. The Herrenhausen Conference "Society through the Lens of the
Digital" aims to fill this gap.

As a forum for debate between scholars and experts from civil society,
politics, economy and journalism the conference will tackle questions
such as: What role should the social sciences and the humanities play in
the digitization of society? Which kind of answers are they expected to
provide? How can they better fulfil their role as mediators and
translators between the conflicting and sometimes even incommensurable
perspectives on digital change? The discussion of theoretical,
methodological and empirical tools thus is not only aimed at the further
development of concepts and theories within the social sciences and
humanities. Equally important is the question of how they can help the
social sciences and humanities to open up to collaboration with the STEM
fields and to help solve the grand challenges of digitization.

Herrenhausen Conference *"Society through the Lens of the Digital"* May
31 - June 2, 2017
Herrenhausen Palace, Hanover, Germany

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