[liberationtech] cloudbleed-browser-scan: privacy-respecting CloudBleed browser history-checker for Mac and Linux

taltman taltman at gmail.com
Mon Feb 27 08:25:11 PST 2017

Hi LibTech,

I created an open-source command-line tool for checking one's browser
history for any of the CloudBleed potentially-affected domains. Most
other tools require that you manually enter in your domains into a web
form. That interaction is both tedious and requires that you leak your
browsing information to a third part, that you might not trust.

Aside from Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, I've added support for Iridium,
Abrowser, and TorBrowser.

Download & usage instructions can be found here:

User feedback, help with making it more user-friendly for those not
comfortable with the command-line, and help with porting to Cygwin on
Windows, would be greatly appreciated!

Best regards,



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