[liberationtech] CFP: TILTing Perspectives 2017 and PLSC-Europe (due Nov. 20)
Bryce C Newell
bcnewell at uw.edu
Tue Sep 13 05:38:00 PDT 2016
Below, please find the call for participation in the TILTing Perspectives
2017 conference as well as the 2nd European edition of the Privacy Law
Scholars Conference (PLSC-Europe). The conference has tracks focused on
Data Science, Healthcare, Intellectual Property, and Privacy (including
PLSC-Europe). The conference will be in Tilburg (Netherlands), from May
17-19, 2017. Deadlines for all submissions are November 20.
Information is also available at http://www.tilburguniversity.
(apologies for cross-posting)
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Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology, and Society
Extra edition
12 September 2016
TILTing Perspectives 2017:
'Regulating a connected world'
17 - 19 May 2017, Tilburg University
Call for papers
TILTing 2017 brings together researchers, practitioners, policy makers, and
civil society at the intersection of law and regulation, technology, and
society to share insights, exchange ideas and formulate, discuss and
suggest answers to contemporary challenges related to technological
innovation. The conference will include plenary sessions, parallel
sessions, and panel discussions with invited speakers, as well as
presentations from respondents to this call for papers.
The conference features five large tracks: Privacy, Health, Intellectual
property, Data Science, and PLSC Europe. But within the context of these
general tracks, we are adopting an open and bottom-up organizational
strategy: it is up to you (the participants) to determine what happens at
the conference and how. With that in mind, we invite scholars,
practitioners, policy makers, and others, to propose papers, workshops,
panels, mini-symposia and the like, both within and in addition to the
large tracks. If you have an idea and would like to check whether it fits
the open theme of the conference, feel free to contact:
*tilting at tilburguniversity.edu* <tilting at tilburguniversity.edu>
<tilting at tilburguniversity.edu>
Conference theme
Technology is transforming society on many fronts. In recent years, we have
seen the rise of social media and the sharing economy, a sustained move
from atoms to bits, and the rapid development of cloud computing, big data,
smart devices, and robotics. Along with these developments we see a
continuous stream of new legal and regulatory issues. For every problem
solved, two new problems seem to surface.
*Everything seems to be connected*
When looking at current phenomena, it is particularly notable that that
everything seems to be connected. Individuals are being connected through
networks and data flows from and through connected devices; the field of
Data Science seems to revolve around connecting the dots between various
bits of data and between data and persons. Disciplines and regulatory
domains are also increasingly connected: contemporary issues require
involvement from legal scholars, regulation and governance scholars, and
social scientists, who must work together, but who also occasionally clash.
Similarly, different domains of law become intertwined, such as public law
and private law or data protection and intellectual property, but do not
always coexist harmoniously. Regulation is no longer the prerogative of
sovereign states; rather, complex interconnected multi-level governance
arrangements are at play.
*'Regulating a connected world'*
These developments and transformations give good reason to adopt
'Regulating a connected world' as the theme for the 5th Bi-annual TILTing
Perspectives conference on the intersection of law, technology, and
society. While recent TILTing conferences had a specific focus, ‘robotics
and neurotechnologies’ in 2011, ‘health and surveillance’ in 2015, the 2017
conference will open the floor to an entire spectrum of topics and
disciplines under the broad umbrella of law, technology and society.
*Five large tracks*
The conference features five large tracks: Privacy, Health, Intellectual
property, Data Science, and PLSC Europe.
*Privacy track and PLSC-Europe*
The definition and boundaries of privacy, as both a philosophical concept
and a legal right, have been hotly debated in recent years. Indeed,
emerging technologies have continually challenged traditional conceptions
of privacy that relate to “private life,” the public/private dichotomy, or
property (e.g. “my home is my castle”).
*Read more *
*Healthcare track*
Healthcare has long been a “protected sector” that relies on a principle of
confidentiality between the individuals needing care and the trained
professionals able to provide that care. Without this principle of
confidentiality, patients would be reluctant to provide the information
professionals find necessary to addressing illness and other health
concerns and professionals would be unable to provide adequate care to
*Read more*
*Intellectual property track*
The digital economy is one of the most important drivers of innovation and
economic growth today. Intellectual property rights, conceived as
institutions designed to accelerate technological progress, are its
important part. Yet, there is mounting criticism that present day’s design
of IP rights and/or their enforcement sometimes works against its own
*Read more*
*Data Science track*
Data science —the practice of organizing, analyzing and using new sources
of digital data—, is transforming societies around the world, but that
transformation is largely invisible. Algorithmic sorting and
categorization, machine learning and artificial intelligence, data emitted
through people’s use of technology, from the internet of things and by
smart environments are contributing to new types of visibility and changing
power dynamics between people, corporations and governments.
*Read more*
Call for papers
We welcome research papers, position papers, work-in-progress presentations
and other contributions. We value multidisciplinary work highly and are
particularly interested in papers that illustrate a multidisciplinary
approach, yet are also open to specialized papers on a relevant topic from
any scientific discipline. Accepted papers will be provided to the
participants of the conference if authors want to.
On the basis of the material submitted, special issues, book volumes and
other publications may be produced based on review procedures to be
decided. Potential authors will be provided information on these
opportunities at a later date, but note that submitting work to the
conference does not create any obligation to publish.
Abstracts (and full papers) will need to be submitted into the conference
system: *https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tilting2017*
*General call for symposia, panels and workshops*
TILTing 2017 is open for symposia, panels and workshops on specific topics.
You can submit proposals for activities spanning (multiples) of 90 minutes
(the standard session duration) on specific topics within the overall
conference scope or one of the designated tracks. Please enter your
proposal into the conference system as a single entry (using the
appropriate label) including title, abstract, names of the intended
speakers, and abstracts of the individual contributions if desired.
*PLSC-Europe call for papers*
PLSC is a paper workshop. There are no published proceedings, and after the
event, papers are not available. Because authors’ drafts are works in
progress, we do not publicly release these writings, nor do we publicize
them (no Tweeting, blogging, etc.), as authors’ ideas are often inchoate
and need incubation for full development.
At PLSC, paper workshops are led by a "commenter" who facilitates a
discussion among participants on an author’s paper. Authors are encouraged
to participate in "listening" mode. There are no panels or talking head
events at PLSC. All participants are expected to read and be prepared to
discuss one paper per session, and thus PLSC requires significant
preparation. We recommended that participants devote 1.5 to 2 days of
reading to prepare prior to the conference.
If you want to have your paper discussed in a PLSC setting you are invited
to submit an abstract for the PLSC track in the conference system (
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tilting2017>). Please select the
PLSC-Europe track choice during submission.
Important dates
*20 November 2016*
Symposium, panel and workshop proposals
*20 November 2016*
Submission of paper abstracts and PLSC-Europe proposals
*16 December 2016*
Notification of acceptance
*7 April 2017*
Submission of full paper for PLSC
*28 April 2017*
Submission of full paper, other tracks
Conference website
All information about TILTing Perspectives 2017 'Regulating a connected
world' can be found on:
Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT) - T 013 4668199
*c.r.nauta at tilburguniversity.edu* <c.r.nauta at tilburguniversity.edu>
Copyright © 2014 Tilburg University. All rights reserved.
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