[liberationtech] Orfox

Nathan of Guardian nathan at guardianproject.info
Sun Sep 11 18:56:51 PDT 2016

On Tue, Sep 6, 2016, at 09:54 PM, Malte wrote:
> the last version I see in F-Droid repository is from 24-Sep-2015. 
> Are there developments elsewhere that I am not aware of?

That is the most recent public release. We have been working on an ESR45
based release for some time, and have it nearly done now. Updates about
this work are regularly posted to tor-dev/tor-talk and the guardian-dev
mailing list.

You should expect a release by the end of the week, with more smaller
maintenance releases on a regular basis.

You can track project status at:

Thanks for your patience.

  Nathan of Guardian
  nathan at guardianproject.info

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