[liberationtech] twitter accounts from beseiged Taiz being shelled. Please dont forget us

Mohamed ElGohary gohary at globalvoices.org
Tue Oct 11 12:16:31 PDT 2016

Can someone please moderate pro-Saudi emails?

On Tue, Oct 11, 2016 at 7:47 PM, Maria Al-Masani <malmasani at gmail.com>

> My town Taiz is shelled, and Russian trolls are dominating the #Yemen tag
> to silence us about Saudi crimes they faked. Saudi isn't an angel and this
> is a war, so it's not without casualities but the ones Russian pro Trump
> trolls push on the #Yemen tag are certainly as real as that sex tape Trump
> alleges of that poor Alicia Macado former Miss Universe contestant. Most
> about Sanaa is exaggerated, the hospitals say only 10% of the victims are
> from Saudi shells according to Jamhouria hospital.
> I don't want to minimize death in Sanaa - I just want to explain how
> hybrid war is fought by the Kremlin. For example, Hillary has a mistake
> about emails - Crooked Hillary, every day... but the illegal labour of
> Trump models is hidden by an army of trolls, half from the Kremlin, that
> are pushing "crooked Hillary".
> When it comes to Yemen, our dictator Ali Saleh stole $60 billion.This goes
> into paying Russian and Iranian trolls, and he is an ally of both and
> Assad. He had a coup with Houthis (former royalits) in Sept 24, Saudi
> helped us on March 24 and created a no flyzone.
> Abu Ghuraib is bad... but Aleppo is far worse. Russian agents, Russian
> bribed journalists, useful idiots on Russia all self-fligated how bad the
> west was - there was so much outrage. Many more people are dying in Aleppo
> and silence. It shows you Russians are exploiting western communications to
> kill people as a sport.
> My friends and family are being shelled. They are being erased from
> Twitter by the Houthis. Those who disagree with the official Saleh-Houthi
> anti Saudi view are kidnapped, used as human shields, killed. You don't see
> this in the cash-stapped media that don't have resources to research.
> Here are twitter accounts from beseiged Taiz. Please retweet them, don't
> forget us. One was kidnapped for saying the truth about Houthis and was
> released recently, the rest report from the ground.
>   https://twitter.com/taiznewsyemen1 <https://twitter.com/taiznewsyemen1>
> , https://twitter.com/alguneid and https://twitter.com/abdulqawi2011
> Please don't forget us.
> Maria
> --
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