[liberationtech] Fwd: [Air-L] Journal of Peer Production #9 "Alternative Internets"

Jodi Schneider jschneider at pobox.com
Mon Oct 3 17:43:54 PDT 2016

In case of interest...

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From: maxigas <maxigas at anargeek.net>
Date: Sat, Oct 1, 2016 at 1:19 AM
Subject: [Air-L] Journal of Peer Production #9 "Alternative Internets"
To: air-l at aoir.org

Journal of Peer Production #9 "Alternative Internets"

The Journal of Peer Production editorial team is delighted to announce our
latest release, JoPP #9, "Alternative Internets" edited by Félix Tréguer,
Panayotis Antoniadis and
Johan Söderberg.

As always, the peer review process - including original submissions,
reviews, revised papers, and signals - is accessible.

The issue is available for free here: http://peerproduction.net/

>From the Introduction: The hopes of past generations of hackers weigh like
a delirium on the brains of the newbies. Back in the days when Bulletin
Board Systems metamorphosed
into the Internet, the world's digital communications networks - hitherto
confined to military, corporate and elite academic institutions - were at
grasping reach of ordinary
individuals. To declare the independence of the Internet from nation states
and the corporate world seemed like no more than stating the bare facts.
Even encrypted communication
- the brainchild of military research - had leaked into the public's hands
and had become a tool wielded against state power. Collectives of all
stripes could make use of the new
possibilities offered by the Web to bypass traditional media, broadcast
their own voice and assemble in new ways in this new public sphere. For
some time, at least, the Internet
as a whole embodied "alternativeness."


Alt. vs. Ctrl.: Editorial notes for the JoPP issue on Alternative Internets
Félix Tréguer, Panayotis Antoniadis and Johan Söderberg


In Defense of the Digital Craftsperson
James Losey and Sascha D. Meinrath

Hacktivism, Infrastructures and Legal Frameworks in Community Networks: The
Italian Case of Ninux.org
Stefano Crabu, Federica Giovanella, Leonardo Maccari and Paolo Magaudda

Enmeshed Lives? Examining the Potentials and the Limits in the Provision of
Wireless Networks. The Case of Réseau Libre
Christina Haralanova and Evan Light

Going Off-the-Cloud: The Role of Art in the Development of a User-Owned &
Controlled Connected World
Daphne Dragona and Dimitris Charitos

Gesturing Towards "Anti-Colonial Hacking" and its Infrastructure
Sophie Toupin

The Interplay Between Decentralization and Privacy: The Case of Blockchain
Primavera De Filippi

Finding an Alternate Route: Towards Open, Eco-cyclical, and Distributed
Stephen Quilley, Jason Hawreliak and Kaitlin Kish


Alternative Policies for Alternative Internets
Melanie Dulong de Rosnay

maxigas, kiberpunk
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