[liberationtech] IDEA: Crisis in Representation

Steven Clift clift at e-democracy.org
Mon Oct 3 05:29:34 PDT 2016

An interesting article by the head of Stockholm-based International
Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) about
political parties in the digital era.


The digitalization of all aspects of our lives has contributed to
dramatically change the context for inter-personal and political
communication, agenda-setting and policy-making. Today’s digitally
connected world is characterized by the high speed of information and
communication flows, which reinforces the increasingly globalized
nature of our societies and contributes to “horizontalize” the
relations between citizens and elected representatives. However, many
traditional political parties originate in the 19th century, and still
use 20th century tools to face 21st century challenges. This is
creating an increasing disconnect between citizens and political
parties, which is often referred to as “the crisis of representation”.

Much more:

Steven Clift  -  Executive Director, E-Democracy.org
   clift at e-democracy.org  -  +1 612 234 7072
   @democracy  -  http://linkedin.com/in/netclift
   http://1radionews.com - My radio app

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