[liberationtech] Unix/Linux eBooks deal and Code for America ... Fwd: Humble Bundle fundraiser! PLS RT
Steven Clift
clift at e-democracy.org
Sun Nov 27 15:10:45 PST 2016
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "Jen Pahlka" <jen at codeforamerica.org>
Date: Nov 27, 2016 4:18 PM
Subject: Humble Bundle fundraiser! PLS RT
> Dave just pointed out that the O'Reilly "humble bundle" promotion that
benefits CfA is already at $472K, of which we will get about 20%. (there
is an option to benefit a different charity, so our take may be a bit
lower). With 9 days left, this could be a hugely effective fundraiser for
> Could you all tweet, facebook, etc the promotion? You can RT this:
> https://twitter.com/OReillyMedia/status/801534571942707200
> The deal is $500 worth of Unix/Linux books for whatever price you want to
pay, with 20% of the proceeds going to charity.
> Tell the world!
> --
> Jennifer Pahlka
> Founder/Executive Director, Code for America
> mobile: 415 420 2933
> Join me at the Code for America Summit, November 1 - 3, 2016.
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