[liberationtech] Internet Freedom Festival Deadline

Pepe Borras pborras at irex.org
Sat Nov 26 08:38:05 PST 2016

Hi all,

This is the *last weekend to submit a session to the Internet Freedom
Festival* (IFF).

The 2017 IFF will take place in Valencia (Spain), March 6 to March 10.
Digital rights activists, journalist, designers, communications
professionals, software developers, and digital security trainers from
*over 100 countries* have already registered to attend.

Join the global unconference of the Internet Freedom community!

+ *Host a session*: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/host-a-session/

+ *Explore the 2017 IFF Themes*: https://internetfreedomfestival.org/#themes

+ *Learn about the Diversity and Inclusion Fund set up to help session
hosts attend the festival*:

Looking forward to seeing you all in Valencia!


*Pepe Borrás*

Project Director, Internet Freedom Festival

www.internetfreedomfestival.org <http://www.internetfreedomfestival.org> | @InternetFF

pborras at irex.org <mailto:pborras at irex.org> – @PepeBorras

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www.irex.org <http://www.irex.org>

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