[liberationtech] E-Voting

Brian Behlendorf brian at behlendorf.com
Thu Nov 17 08:37:51 PST 2016

That's similar to what some people are saying about blockchain 
applications to voting.  Don't use it for the voting itself, even in a 
zero-knowlege way, as votes need to be both auditable and understandable 
to lay people to be trusted.  But, you could use it for voter registration 
and for summing up the totals from each polling location as the system of 
record for recording and measuring the total vote.  Giving the 
polling-place totals builds confidence that one's vote counted at the 
polling place (you might even argue the names of who voted is public 
record) and that particular location's totals were counted in the totals.


On Thu, 17 Nov 2016, Richard Brooks wrote:
> I would agree. Also consider the numerous cases of
> intentional network disruptions on the continent during voting
> over the past year. It is predictable that this would become
> a tool of voter suppression.
> Oddly, though, mobile devices have been essential tools
> in monitoring voting and mobilizing voters in recent years
> in the same region.
> It makes me wonder what the essential differences are between
> these two applications that make the difference.
> On 11/17/2016 08:11 AM, Patrick Kariuki wrote:
>> Mobile voting in Africa is impractical. Even as an option, If people
>> would start to lose their phones around the election period, the
>> recovery effort involved in ensuring the service is available and the
>> consequences thereafter, would be a potential legal and customer service
>> nightmare.
>> On Mon, Nov 14, 2016 at 4:57 PM, Zacharia Gichiriri
>> <zacharia.gichiriri at strathmore.edu
>> <mailto:zacharia.gichiriri at strathmore.edu>> wrote:
>>     Hi,
>>     Are there any countries that have implemented a form of mobile
>>     voting? Is there any research on the potential, challenges and
>>     applicability of mobile voting?
>>     Considering the explosive growth of mobile phones across Africa,
>>     would the use of mobile phones for elections (citizens voting
>>     through mobile phones) improve election outcomes and transparency?
>>     Best,
>>     --
>>     Zack.
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